Pengaruh Partisipasi Pegawai dan Akuntabilitas dalam Rencana Kegiatan dan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Kepala Sekolah SMA Negeri Keuluang Aceh Jaya
The research is aimed at analyzing the participation of the staff and accountancy of RKAS against the performance of the Head of School at Keuluang Aceh Jaya State High School. The problem arising is whether the staff participation and accountability of the RKas against the performances of the Chief of School in Keuluung Aceh Jaya state High School? The study aims to find out the impact of the participation of staff and accountancy of RKAS on the performance of the Head of School at Keuluang Aceh Jaya State High School both simultaneously and partially. The sample of this research is the teachers and officers who are at Keuluang Aceh Jaya State High School which consists of 23 professors and officials using census techniques. The results of the analysis show that simultaneously there is an influence between the participation of staff and the accountability of the RKAS on the performance of the head of school. The results of the F test obtained the number Fcalung > Ftable or (20,059>3,07) and the test signified that p value of 0,000 < p is set to 0.05 which means significant. The test results partially showed that: 1. Participation of employees influenced the performance of the head of the school Thitung 3,164 > Table 1,720 and p value 0,002 < of p 0.05 signifies significant. 2. RKAS accountability influence on performance of school head Thitung 5,910> Table 1.720 with p value 0,000 of < 0.05 means significant.
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